Nagelmodellage: Hygiene & Desinfektion im Studio

Nail modeling: hygiene & disinfection in the studio

Cuticle pliers , files or rosewood sticks - various instruments are used directly on a customer's skin and nails for nail modeling. If these devices are not adequately disinfected after use, they can provide a breeding ground for germs or bacteria and continue to spread. This can affect not only the next customer, but also the nail designer herself. For these reasons, hygiene is a top priority for nail design expert Stefanie. We offer you tips and experiences that can help you keep your nail salon professionally clean and avoid nail infections.

Why disinfect & sterilize nail design?

The aim of disinfection in the nail salon is to prevent infections from being transmitted - to the customer or the nail designer. Improper cleaning of the instruments can transmit bacteria that cause inflammation of the nail bed or spores that can lead to nail fungus. Professional disinfection ensures a reduction in active germs, while sterilization is used to keep the nail modeling instruments largely germ-free. These methods interrupt the transmission route of dreaded infections. Chemical agents are used for both disinfection and sterilization. Sterilization can also be done using physical methods such as heat, ultrasound or radiation. This method not only kills living and active microorganisms, but also all their precursors and intermediate stages such as fungal spores.

  • Reduce germs on instruments
  • Interrupt the transmission route for infections
  • Reduce risk of infectious nail diseases
Instrument disinfection
Cleaning set
Hand disinfection

7 tips for using disinfectants

In any case, the product information on the packaging should be observed when handling disinfectants . Otherwise the product may not work or may even cause harm if used incorrectly. It is also important to protect yourself with disposable gloves - the chemical agents should never touch the skin or get into the eyes, nor should the vapors be inhaled. In order to benefit from the full effect of disinfectants, it is important to regularly check their shelf life. It is also important to adhere to the application instructions given on the packaging and, above all, the exposure time. The instruments should always be completely wetted with the agents so that they can work on the entire tool. The disinfectants should not be diluted and they should not be mixed with each other, otherwise their effectiveness may be impaired.

  1. Pay attention to product information on the packaging
  2. Self-protection with gloves
  3. No contact with skin or eyes
  4. Do not inhale disinfectant vapors
  5. Check cleaning products for durability
  6. Pay attention to the exposure time
  7. Do not dilute or mix disinfectants

What you need for hygienic cleaning in the nail salon

Various means and technologies are used to safely clean the instruments and the workplace in a nail salon. Nail design expert Stefanie attaches particular importance to high-quality disinfectants that are suitable for use in the medical sector.

Spray disinfection
Hot air sterilizer

disinfection tub
Task light
Disinfectant wipes

9 steps for proper hygiene in the nail salon

Are all instruments clean and in perfect condition? Is the gel still durable? Has the nail oil changed color? Do all UV lamp lights work? You should examine your materials and tools carefully every day, advises nail design expert Stefanie. Otherwise, unnoticed errors can lead to unsightly results, have a negative impact on durability or, in the worst case, lead to infections and inflammation. After each treatment, it is also important to clean and disinfect the workplace and the materials used - Stefanie tells you which nine steps you should follow for proper hygiene when designing nails:

  1. Collect instruments immediately after treatment

    After each customer, you should immediately collect all used instruments in a designated container. It is essential to ensure that there is no more direct contact with the devices in order to protect yourself from infections! The pieces saved in this way should ideally be processed further immediately, but at the latest within a period of up to six hours. Instruments should not be left untreated overnight or over a weekend. You should also clean the storage container thoroughly afterwards.
  2. Pre-cleaning & dismantling instruments

    If necessary, you can initially carry out an initial mechanical cleaning to remove any coarse impurities. Devices that can be disassembled should be taken apart and cleaned in individual parts using designated brushes, sponges or lint-free disposable cloths. High-qualitydisposable gloves protect you during all of these tasks. Good lighting is also essential for careful cleaning.
  3. Disinfect according to manufacturer's instructions

    The cleaning solutions should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions, which can be found on the packaging. Here you will not only find the type of application, but also the duration of application, which you should definitely stick to, advises nail design expert Stefanie. Disinfectant baths must be renewed at least daily to maintain their cleansing effect. You should twist and turn, open and move the devices in the disinfectant liquid so that the agent can reach every spot.
  4. sterilization

    To be on the safe side, you can also sterilize your tools after cleaning and disinfecting them . Expert Stefanie generally recommends sterilization for instruments that are used directly on the skin and nails and may have come into contact with blood through minor injuries.
  5. Rinse & Dry

    After disinfection and sterilization , the instruments should be rinsed thoroughly again so that no residues of cleaning agents remain on the tools. These could damage the next customer's nails or cause skin reactions. Finally, the tools are laid out to dry in a designated, cleaned area.
  6. Clean workplace

    Cleaning the workplace after each customer also protects you and your customers. To do this, you should clean and disinfect the surface of the nail table , fan and UV lamp , because contamination can also be found here, explains nail modeling expert Stefanie.
  7. control

    Finally check all materials and instruments for cleanliness, integrity and technical function. If necessary, repair instruments or sort out old products.
  8. Store cleaned instruments

    Pack all tools cleanly and safely, preferably in designated and labeled containers.
  9. Clean cleaning area

    Finally, you should also clean and disinfect all cleaning containers and work surfaces on which you carried out the cleaning.

Hygiene & disinfection when designing nails: 5 questions for nail modeling expert Stefanie

Nail design expert Stefanie has many years of experience in the field of nail modeling and attaches great importance to a clean working method in her work. Find out which hygiene mistakes you can avoid and how you can counteract infections through nail modeling.

ND24: Why is hygiene so important to you when it comes to nail design?
Nail design expert Stefanie: Hygiene is very important to me personally because I don't want to infect my customers or myself with infectious diseases. For me, disinfecting and sterilizing is a natural part of every professional treatment. I follow the individual steps for hygiene in the nail salon very carefully.

ND24: Do you have a hygiene check list for nail modeling?
Nail design expert Stefanie: Before every treatment you can ask yourself four simple questions that can cover the most important hygiene aspects:

  • Have I cleaned the instruments professionally?
  • Are the gels , varnishes , oils and powders fresh and still durable?
  • Do I have an unused file lying in front of me?
  • Is my workplace and everything that goes with it cleaned?

ND24: What do you think are the three biggest hygiene mishaps in the nail salon?
Nail design expert Stefanie:

  1. The worst situation is when the instruments and workstations are not cleaned according to regulations or when expired products are used.
  2. It is also unprofessional to answer the telephone or touch money with disposable gloves - you have to put on new gloves immediately afterwards, otherwise germs can be transmitted. The same applies to the customer: she should not touch anything unnecessarily during the treatment and, for example, not touch her face.
  3. Of course, you're making false savings if you brush off a file briefly after use and then use it again - that's an absolute no-go. Either you use disposable files that you give to the customer after the treatment, or you use files for regular customers that are stored in a resealable freezer bag with a name on it and are only used for that customer.

ND24: Do you sterilize your instruments after nail modeling?
Nail design expert Stefanie: In principle, in addition to disinfection, I also use sterilization for my instruments. For example, I treat cutter attachments and cuticle pliers in this way. Germs can always settle here through microscopic injuries and can be transmitted. If I use a device for sterilization that ensures largely sterility through the thermal process, this should reach at least 180 degrees in order to kill as many microorganisms as possible.

ND24: Do you wear a face mask when doing nail modeling?
Nail design expert Stefanie: Yes, I always wear a face mask during treatment. Filing and milling the nails causes a lot of dust to form. I don't want to breathe this in for several hours every day at work. Furthermore, I sit very close to my customer for a longer period of time, for example if I have a cold, I don't want to infect her and, conversely, I don't want to be infected either. This protects the next customers and prevents the infection from being spread.

Our hygiene plan can be downloaded directly here ▶

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Super Beitrag, um zu zeigen wie wichtig Hygiene ist. Ausser metallische Instrumente wie Nagelhautzange oder schere, Bits und Wechselblattfeile ist nichts desinfizier oder sterilisierbar. Feilen dürfen niemals aufbewahrt werden, auch nicht für die selbe Kundin. Vor allem in geschlossenen, warmen und evtl. feuchten (durch das Desinfektionsmittel) Umgebungen vermehren sich Krankheitserreger rasant!


Hallo liebes Team,
Ich habe eine Frage, reicht es das Werkzeug mit Flächedesinfekions zu benetzten und zu reinigen und danach in eine Hochtemperatur-Desinfektionsschrank (220 grad ) zu desinfizieren/sterilisieren?
ist diese ich entkeimung überhaupt zulässig?

Lena Szpak

Hallo Tanja,

Ja das reicht völlig aus und ist auch zugelassen.
Wichtig ist es genau und gründlich zu säubern.

Liebe Grüße, Dein ND24-Team

ND24 NailDesign

1.Reicht es das Werkzeug mit Flächedesinfekions zu benetzten und zu reinigen und danach in eine uvc Box (99,99% entkeimung) zu desinfizieren/sterilisieren?
2. ist diese ich entkeimung überhaupt zulässig (rki) ?

Tanja Steinberg

Hallo liebes Team von ND24,
leider habe ich ihren Bericht erst jetzt gelesen. Vor 2 Tagen war ich für eine Maniküre (Geschenkgutschein) in einem Nagelstudio bei uns in Speyer. Ich war zum 1. Mal in diesem Studio und zum 1. Mal bei der Maniküre. Nachdem die Designerin am Anfang einen Nagelklipser benutzt hatte, der an der Seite lag und danach eine Nagelfeile, die eindeutig schon gebraucht war, die Desinfektion spartanisch war, (Desinfektion für Fläche auch für meine Hände benutzt) und noch so ein oder zwei Punkte, habe ich heute bei Google nachgesachaut und euren tollen Beitrag entdeickt, der mich aufgeklärt hat. In dieses Studion gehe ich nicht mehr……


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