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Removing calluses: What you should know

Calluses mainly form on the feet, but can also appear on the hands, elbows or knees. It occurs where your body is exposed to greater stress, for example through pressure or constant friction. The job of the cornea is to protect these stressed areas. It therefore takes on an important function, but if it appears brittle, yellowish or cracked, then targeted care measures are required. Before you rigorously remove the calluses, check the causes of their formation and how you can better support your body in the future so that it no longer develops such severe calluses.

Causes of calluses

Anyone who has to stand for long periods of time because of their job often has problems with calluses on their feet. If you repeatedly have calluses in the same places on your feet, this may be due to poorly fitting footwear. Maybe it doesn't fit the shape of your feet and is too narrow. Shoes with high heels also put strain on the foot over time and can increase the formation of calluses. Misalignments of the foot skeleton such as splayed, fallen arches or flat feet as well as hammertoes or hallux valgus can also lead to one-sided stress and thus the appearance of calluses - the orthopedist can help you in this case. Diabetics or people with other medical conditions should have their foot care done by an experienced podiatrist to avoid inflammation and other complications. If you are healthy, you can remove the callus yourself or make an appointment for a pedicure with a beautician.

Tips from beautician Stefanie: How much callus can you remove ?

How much callus should I remove?

Beautician Stefanie: When it comes to removing calluses, I use a happy medium and remove enough calluses so that the soft skin underneath can be cared for again. The areas should no longer be cracked and brittle. It is important to pay attention to where and why the callus has formed. For example, if you regularly jog long distances, you may have calluses as protection in particularly stressed areas of your foot, which should not be removed too rigorously.

When did I remove too much callus?

Beautician Stefanie: You have removed too much callus if the areas then cause you pain or become sore. You can even cause injury if you overdo the callus removal. For this reason, for example, I don't use milling attachments to remove calluses, but rather work manually - so I have a better feel for the right pressure when working.

What happens if I remove too much callus?

Beautician Stefanie: Calluses are a natural protective shield and form primarily in areas that are exposed to increased stress and pressure. So it has an important function. If you remove calluses too often or too much, your body may produce more and more calluses in this area to protect itself.

Get rid of calluses – this is how it works:

We recommend gentle and regular care so that you can reduce your calluses bit by bit. An important tip from our beautician Stefanie: Never remove too much callus shortly before an important appointment, such as a wedding, as this can become very painful and make it difficult for you to walk!

Paraffin bath:

Nail expert Stefanie uses paraffin baths to care for her hands and feet , which ensure delicate and soft skin.

Foot bath:

In preparation for your callus removal, you can do a foot bath. This should be around 37°C and take around 10 minutes. If you like, you can add a few drops of essential oil, for example antibacterial tea tree oil. Use this time as a little break for yourself and relax, for example with a cup of tea or reading a magazine.

Pumice stone: remove calluses

After soaking, you can gently remove the calluses on your feet with a pumice stone. Clean it carefully with hot water after each use to reduce the risk of infection.     

File: remove calluses

If you want to work on your calluses with sandpaper files, you should not soak your feet beforehand. They work best on dry skin. In the studio, our beautician uses callus files made of high-quality plastic, which have a coarse and a fine-grained side. These products can be brushed, rinsed and disinfected.

Callus plane: risk of injury!

You should only use a callus plane if you really know how to use it, warns beautician Stefanie. They can lead to injuries that can be invaded by bacteria and lead to inflammation.

Callus removal creams:

You can find callus removal creams in pharmacies and drugstores.

Paraffin wax bath
Foot whirlpool bath
Callus longitudinal planer

Callus set
Podiatry set
Nail cutter

3 top tips from beautician Stefanie for soft feet

Regular care can help you have soft and supple feet. Our beautician Stefanie has 3 tips against calluses.

1. Remove calluses at most once a week

If you remove your calluses more than once a week, you can stimulate their growth.

2. Exfoliate

Use coarser peelings, for example with sea salt or sugar-oil-based, to exfoliate your feet regularly. Make sure that the products do not contain any microplastics!

3. Apply cream

Every evening before you go to bed, you should care for your feet with a rich cream so that the skin remains soft and supple.

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